Disappearing Nine Patch Patterns

Disappearing nine patch patterns

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Quilt In A Day Tossed Nine Patch: Eleanor Burns’ Signature Quilt Pattern

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Disappearing nine patch patterns

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Quilt in a Day Split Nine-Patch Quilt Pattern by Eleanor Burns

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Disappearing nine patch patterns

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101 Nine Patch Quilts

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Disappearing nine patch patterns

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Disappearing nine patch patterns

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Disappearing nine patch patterns

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Block-Buster Quilts – I Love Nine Patches: 16 Quilts from an All-Time Favorite Block

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Disappearing nine patch patterns

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Slice of Pi Quilts Exploding Heart Pattern

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Disappearing nine patch patterns

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Quilt in a Day Eleanor Burns Pattern,-Piece of Cake

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Disappearing nine patch patterns

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Disappearing nine patch patterns

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Disappearing nine patch patterns

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Disappearing nine patch patterns

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Disappearing 9 patch

Disappearing 9 patch

Hello everyone! Well, last night was the first gathering of the Sew n’ Sews, and we had a blast!! Each month this year, my quilting peeps and I will get together and spend some time sewing up blocks that will be made into laps quilts and then donated to charity. January’s block was the disappearing nine-patch. Here’s a quick tutorial on the traditional disappearing nine-patch block and one variation, which I call, double trouble (because I have no idea what this block is really called!). I’ll post a tutorial on the second variation tomorrow. Please note, tutorials for these blocks are found in abundance on the web. Do a quick search for disappearing nine-patch and you will find oodles of them…just so you know. 🙂 Enjoy! Mary-Frances Traditional Disappearing nine-patch  We started off with nine 5-inch squares to make our nine-patch block.  Then we made two cuts, one vertical and one horizontal in the middle row. To determine how far in I had to cut, I measured the dark blue center square. It was 4.5 inches and half of that is 2.25 inches. Measuring 2.25 from the left seam brings me to the center of the block.  Take two of the smaller squares that are opposite one another, and turn them 180 degrees, notice how the small dark blue squares are now at the outer edges of the block? All you have left to do is sew your blocks together and you have made your very own disappearing nine-patch!  Disappearing nine-patch, Variation 1 (Double Trouble)  Begin by making a traditional nine patch block. I used 5-inch squares for this block.   Measure your center block. Mine is 4.5 inches. Half of that is 2.25 inches. I made two vertical cuts, one in each of the outer rows. I measured out 2.25 inches from the vertical seams.    One side is cut, now turn your mat and make another cut on the other side of your block.  After you are done cutting up your block, it should look like this. One central block, two smaller rectangular pieces above and below and two longer strips on each side.  Now, you get to do this all over again (yippee!!), with a different block. Please note the placement of the darker coloured squares in this block (there are 5) versus the darker coloured squares in the previous block (there are 4). This will make a difference in your final blocks.  Once you’ve finished cutting your second block, you will have something that looks like this. Now comes the fun part, really!!  Take all the cut pieces from your first block and place them next to the center square of your second block, as above. Sew the shorter top and bottom pieces and press. Then add both sides, making sure the seams line up. There will be a little extra length on the final two side pieces. Once you’ve done sewing up your block, trim off the extra when squaring up.  Reverse the process, adding the cut pieces from your second block to the center square from your first block.  There you have it, your two Double Trouble disappearing nine-patch blocks.

Helpful hints

Helpful hints

Disappearing Quilt Block printable cards. 9 cards on each page. They show the 4 patch, 9 patch, 16 patch and pinwheel quilt blocks. How to cut and sew them.

A#1 love….sewing and quilting

A#1 love....sewing and quilting

Hello everyone! The snow is flying once again here in Calgary, back to winter after our lovely little respite from the cold…ahh well, that’s the way it goes, a Chinook blows in and sets our minds to thinking of spring and then wham!! back to the realities of winter.;-) If you’re not a winter sports nut I mean, enthusiast, then this is perfect stay-in-your-house and curl up and read weather or hide-away-in-your-sewing-room and quilt weather. If you’re quilting, I have another variation of the disappearing nine-patch to show you. I found this one on the web here: http://www.scribd.com/doc/12609165/1Twist-Turn-Disappearing-9-Patch-Tutorial. Enjoy! Mary-Frances  Begin by making your nine-patch block. I used 5-inch squares for this example.   Cut as you would for a traditional disappearing nine-patch.   Measure your four smaller blocks. This one is 7-inches.  Find a contrasting fabric and cut four 7-inch squares.  Place contrasting fabric square on top of your nine-patch block. Draw a diagonal line on your block, from the central corner to the outer corner, pin squares together.   Repeat for all four squares.   Sew a scant 1/4 inch seam on each side of your drawn diagonal line, as above.  Once your sewing is done, cut along the diagonal line and you will have eight smaller units. Press open.  Here are four of the blocks set in a pinwheel pattern.  Another possibility…  …and yet another. Have fun with this! 

Lets Stitch – Quilting

Lets Stitch - Quilting

While you can never go wrong with trusty traditional nine patch patterns, there’s something magical about disappearing nine patch quilts.\u003cbr /\u003e \u003cbr /\u003e Disappearing nine patch patterns are actually much easier to make than their complicated appearance seems. While they do require a bit more work than a \u003ca href=\




Quilt cards

Quilt cards

Quilt 2

Quilt 2

The Disappearing 9 Patch Quilt Block is another super easy quilt block tutorial. This one is so easy and it looks fabulous. Once you have made your cuts you can turn the squares around to form a number of awesome looking finishes. We used squares from the Moda ‘Simply Colorful’ range to make this square and I love the colors in this pack. Watch the video below or scroll down for the written instructions. What You Need: 9 x 5′ Charm Squares or you can cut your own 5′ squares from your stash. TOOLS USED IN THIS TUTORIAL You can