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Old German Baptist Dress Pattern: Drafting and Fitting
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Medical Pattern Paper: 21″ x 225′ Single Roll of Patternmaking, Drafting, and Tracing Paper by Diagnostics Direct
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Diagnostics Direct, Inc. 21125-Roll Exam Table Paper, Crepe, 21″ x 125′ Single Roll of Patternmaking, Drafting, and Tracin…
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Dress Making – Drafting and Pattern Making
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Make Your Own Dress Patterns: With over 1,000 how-to illustrations: A Primer in Patternmaking for Those Who Like to Sew
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Bee Paper White Sketch and Trace Roll, 24-Inch by 50-Yards
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The Pattern Making Primer: All You Need to Know About Designing, Adapting, and Customizing Sewing Patterns
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13PCS Sewing Rulers Set , French Curve Ruler for Guides for Fabric Clear Sewing Tailors Ruler Pattern Making for Fashion D…
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Historical Pattern Archive: Women’s Clothing 1837-1969
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Pattern Paper for Fashion Design – Alpha Numeric Dotted Marking Paper (45 inches x 10 Yards) – Made in The USA
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The Fitting Book: Make Sewing Pattern Alterations & Achieve the Perfect Fit You Desire
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HLZC French Curve Ruler for Pattern Making, 15 Pieces Clear Sewing Ruler Set for Beginners Tailors Designers
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PDF Book ~ Instant Digital Download – 14 VICTORIAN SEWING PATTERNS Download it direct to your iPad, tablet or computer for reading or printing. Improved System for cutting Victorian Dress and Cloak Patterns with Designs to print out and use. Victorian era circa 1884 Period Garment Patterns. An illustrated book on How To Cut and Make Victorian Dress and Cloak Patterns By CHAS. HECKLINGER A valuable reference resource for anyone interested in recreating authentic Victorian period clothing for theatre, costume parties or someone who wants to study the dressmaking methods and fashion trends of the Victorian era. If you have any interest in Dress Designing or Period Costumes then this is a great handbook to have in your collection. The original edition of this Rare Handbook was printed in 1884 ****====================================================**** This book is also available in one of our 5 x Book Discount Collection Sets Here: Victorian Dress Pattern Books Collection #2 ****====================================================**** My Personal 100% Guarantee To You If you Buy this Book and after reading it, You feel that You did not get Your Money’s worth from it, Message me and I will cancel your purchase and Refund Your Money. And You Can Keep The Book as My Personal Gift To You. ****====================================================**** Preface. The following pages contain the author’s Improved System of Dress and Cloak Cutting, fully explained, with the intention of helping those students who, desirous to follow this branch of industry, are met on the very threshold by a difficulty—the choice of a suitable System. The System given has been found to give the greatest security in its results, with the least trouble, it being easy to learn, readily used, and gives the greatest satisfaction to the large number of those using it. Everything in illustrating and explaining has been omitted which might tend to complicate or retard the student in acquiring it. Every point needed to make it clear has been carefully put down—in its illustrations, in the simple description, and in grouping the separate articles in their correct places—making it at once easy to comprehend and perfect as a whole. ====================================== This scarce antiquarian book is included in our special Rare Books Recycled Series. In the interest of creating a more extensive selection of rare historical books, we have chosen to Digitize this title even though it may possibly have occasional imperfections such as missing and blurred pages, missing text, poor pictures, markings, dark backgrounds and other Digitizing issues beyond our control. Because this work is culturally important, we have made it available as a part of our commitment to protecting, preserving and promoting the world’s rare works of literature that would not normally be available. ====================================== This Book is intended for education and informational purposes only. Our modification and restoration process of this book, has resulted in our creating a new work (restored or annotated or improved work), that gives us a clear and novated copyright to this modified version. ====================================== Please note. This ebook is in PDF. file format. You can read it on your iPad or Tablet with iBooks. You can read it on your computer with Adobe Acrobat Reader If you do not have Adobe A
crobat Reader installed in your computer, you can download it from Adobe. It’s completely FREE. ====================================== Shipping is FREE via Instant Digital Delivery: This is a digital item. Once Payment is received, your book will be available in your etsy purchases to download directly to your iPad, Tablet or computer.
Medieval pattern

Medieval Dress / Gothic Fitted Gown PDF This is a Daisy Viktoria original sewing tutorial. Perfect for your next fantasy or reenactment event! This listing is for a Pattern Drafting and Sewing Tutorial that includes directions to create a medieval gown or kirtle. Because you will be drafting your pattern based on our layout and your measurements, it can fit any size. You can use this to achieve an absolutely perfect fit! In your download you will receive: + 42 Page Tutorial Book (with photographic instructions) + Supplies \u0026 Vendors List *We also have a tutorial for medieval fabric buttons, which are a historically accurate and lovely addition to this dress! Download link will pop up once you complete your order. You will also receive an email containing your download link. If you do not see the email in your inbox, please check your spam folder.
sewing tutorials

PDF Book ~ Instant Digital Download – 45 Sewing Dress Patterns from 1960s Download direct to your iPad, tablet or computer for reading or printing. PATTERN DRAFTING and GRADING Illustrated Patterns An illustrated Pattern Book for 1960’s outfits By Michael Rohr The original edition of this Rare Book was printed in 1961 This book contains the fundamental principles of pattern drafting and grading, and the most practical method of making patterns in accordance with the sketch of the garment. Each problem herein is presented with an illustration of the design, the method of making the pattern shown in successive stages, and the text, giving a detailed description of each step. *****REVIEW***** nmvasquez1 on Feb 28, 2017 5 out of 5 stars So much information in this book! You could literally draft hundreds of different looks. Price seems too good to be true, but it’s 100% amazing ****====================================================**** My Personal 100% Guarantee To You If you Buy this Book and after reading it, You feel that You did not get Your Money’s worth from it, Message me and I will cancel your purchase and Refund Your Money. And You Can Keep The Book as My Personal Gift To You. ****====================================================**** This scarce antiquarian book is included in our special Rare Books Recycled Series. In the interest of creating a more extensive selection of rare historical books, we have chosen to Digitize this title even though it may possibly have occasional imperfections such as missing and blurred pages, missing text, poor pictures, markings, dark backgrounds and other Digitizing issues beyond our control. Because this work is culturally important, we have made it available as a part of our commitment to protecting, preserving and promoting the world’s rare works of literature that would not normally be available. ====================================== This Book is intended for education and informational purposes only. Our modification and restoration process of this book, has resulted in our creating a new work (restored or annotated or improved work), that gives us a clear and novated copyright to this modified version. ====================================== Please note. This ebook is in PDF. file format. You can read it on your iPad or Tablet with iBooks. You can read it on your computer with Adobe Acrobat Reader If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed in your computer, you can download it from Adobe. It’s completely FREE. ====================================== Shipping is FREE via Instant Digital Delivery: This is a digital item. Once Payment is received, your book will be available in your etsy purchases to download directly to your iPad, Tablet or computer.
Sewing Patterns

This is a digital draft-at-home pattern for a lovely French a-line skirt. This is a very stylish, basic model made from only three pattern pieces. The optional waistband is a simple straight band of fabric. This skirt can be sewn in any length but would look best in knee to calf length. Era: 1939-1945. This style came fresh out of Paris in 1939 and was a popular silhouette until the mid-1940s. Fabric: Approximately 3 meters 100 cm wide (3 1/4 yards, 35\
Sew Cool

A complete circle skirt patterns -tutorial. Learn how to draft all the basic circle skirts, and their different variants: panels, pleats, gathers, etc.
Wardrobe by Moi

Learn how to draft the pattern for this flared long dress
Dress sewing patterns

Instructions for making your own custom blocks (or slopers) on This page contains instructions for making the Bodice Front 2-Dart Block.