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Geese Migrations Quilt Pattern Project Book Quiltworx
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The Meaning of Birds
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Halloween Quilt Patterns: Halloween Tutorials and Guide to Sew: Halloween Quilt Patterns
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Halloween Quilt Patterns Notebook: Notebook|Journal| Diary/ Lined – Size 6×9 Inches 100 Pages
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Its Sew Emma A Scrapbook of Quilts Book by Carrie Nelson & Joanna Figueroa for It’s Sew Emma #ISE-945
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Halloween Quilt Tutorials: Guide to Sewing Halloween Patterns: Halloween Quilt Patterns
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Halloween Quilt Notebook: Notebook|Journal| Diary/ Lined – Size 6×9 Inches 100 Pages
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Non-Lethal Control for “Resident” Canada Geese (Presented by the Executive Committee of the Canada Geese Citizens Advisory…
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cluck cluck sew Brightly Pattern
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I Must Garden Goose Repellent Concentrate – 32oz Hose End Sprayer (Geese, Turkey, Ducks)
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OCTOBER Our second block which will be the Migrating Geese block. This block was suggested by Les O. The YouTube video listed in the RELEVANT WEBSITES below has excellent hints fo…

I did get a lot of sewing done in the early part of the week with my green scraps. And I’m sharing some of them in this post. Others I’ll save for next week. Today I’m exhausted. It’s been an emotionally charged and draining week. A roller coaster. But life is like that sometimes, and sewing sure helps to even things out for me. Sewing and quilting melt away stress, sadness, anger, even boredom. Does it do that for you? And I find if I add music (current playlist is Ed Sheeran and Mary Chapin Carpenter), time just floats happily by. And so I’m cheerfully and green-fully linking up to Angela’s Scrappy Saturday party. First up are the Squared Away blocks for March. They’re this month’s installment of our Rainbow Scrap Sampler for this year. I love the left one. The right one, not so much because of the fabric I chose. They are 10-inch blocks. And then I did about eleven selvage squares measuring 6.5”, unfinished. Because I have very few dark green scraps, especially selvage scraps, I decided to mix all the greens for these blocks instead of focusing on just the medium to light ranges. Next up was a Geese Migration block, a lovely pattern by Cynthia Brunz (of Quilting is more Fun than Housework). You can find her free pattern HERE. It’s a great stash buster. And this weekend I’m joining in on Cynthia’s Oh Scrap! linkup. There are many of us currently working (or who have already finished) her Geese Migration pattern. These are only some of my blocks, and they’re on my design board with the fabric I’ll be using for the background and sashing. The gray fabric is a lovely cotton called Linen Look by MakowerUK. It has a wonderful, rich color and drape. And I believe it shows off the colors to good advantage. Now there are probably some of you eagle-eyed stitchers who have noticed that my blocks are not all stitched with the same orientation. The yellow and pink blocks (and even the yellow and pink ones that aren’t shown) all have the geese on the left, while the rest have the geese correctly on the right. So, all I can say is ….. do all geese fly in the same identical formation every time? And if they do, then Oh.Well. I’m not changing them. 🙂 I haven’t decided if these will be set on point, as shown in Cynthia’s pattern, or if they will be set like shown above. To date, I’ve never done an on-point setting (there! I admitted it!), but this quilt’s finish and Bonnie Hunter’s Ringo Lake pattern (I’m still sewing those blocks together) both call for on point. We shall see….. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The rest of this post is pretty much for the birds…… my Lattice Birds quilt. I need to come up with a better name. Suggestions welcomed at any time! This was the bird I made last week: And then I added three more: And THEN I combined them with the blue members of their flock, as well as the inspiration fabric by Tamara Kate that will become a border, backing (and parts of blue birds). Oh my, I am really loving this. When we get to blue again, there will be at least two more blue birds, maybe more. Blue and green will be the primary colors of the quilt, but we will also see some other colors. I added some pulled fabrics for those future birds in the picture below. Oh, yes please! The birds will be flying all over the quilt on a Kona White background. Between the birds I’ll have a dark royal blue lattice made of single Irish Chain blocks. I plan to do those when we get to the dark blu
e month. I hope it turns out as nice as my drawn plans! * * * * * * * * * * * * * Tonight we’re going to cap off the week by seeing the WellRED Comedy Act (The Liberal Rednecks) in Salt Lake City. Have you heard of them? Funny as heck, intellectual, but rather rough language. Bruce and I have tickets with Cousin Kim, Cousin Carrie (Kim’s sister) and Carrie’s adult daughter Jenny. It’s a dinner show. And I’m looking forward to laughing a lot.

“Geese Migration” is a free pattern designed by Cynthia Brunz of Quilting is more fun than Housework (great name by the way). Cynthia combined squares and flying geese to an unusual blo…
Migration Quilt Pattern

The PDF Quilt pattern includes measurements, easy-to-use instructions to sew 4-at-a-time flying geese quilt blocks, and quilt diagrams to create your own Migration Quilt in three sizes. Share your quilt progress on social media using #migration Multiple color palette options are included.
Migrating Geese Tech Sheet designed by Deb Tucker

Migrating Geese Tech Sheet designed by Deb Tucker

While checking out one of the blogs I follow, Civil War Quilts, I follow this blog so I can draw the blocks in EQ 7. While there I saw a quilt with this wonderful Double Flying Geese border. Scroll to the bottom of that post. The quilter is Lois O and this is her link. Of course this border intrigued me. When I saw her drawing I thought I can draw this in EQ 7. I did but to be honest I had to draw it first on graph paper, and then it was easy! Shape Tool So here is a little tutorial to draw it in EQ 7. I made the block lay out, twice as long as it is wide. There are 6 geese, so I divided the length into 6 even segments. To make drawing easier I made my block 6\
Crafts – Quilting

The fabrics in this quilt are all designed by Tula Pink and the pattern is from Mary Fons and is Geese Migration I did a grid pattern for the quilting.