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Auditory and Visual Pattern Recognition (Psychology Library Editions: Perception Book 10)
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Data Analysis and Pattern Recognition in Multiple Databases (Intelligent Systems Reference Library Book 61)
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Applications of Evolutionary Computation in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (Intelligent Systems Reference Librar…
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Advances in Feature Selection for Data and Pattern Recognition (Intelligent Systems Reference Library Book 138)
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Design Patterns (Wordware Applications Library)
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Chess Pattern Recognition for Beginners: The Fundamental Guide to Spotting Key Moves in the Middlegame
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Train Your Chess Pattern Recognition : More Key Moves & Motifs in the Middlegame
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Improve Your Chess Pattern Recognition: Key Moves and Motifs in the Middl
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The Brain from 25,000 Feet: High Level Explorations of Brain Complexity, Perception, Induction and Vagueness (Synthese Lib…
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Advances in Machine Learning for Big Data Analysis (Intelligent Systems Reference Library, 218)
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Learning OpenCV 3: Computer Vision in C++ with the OpenCV Library
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Learning OpenCV: Computer Vision with the OpenCV Library
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Home Education

Free Resources to make your Homeschooling Journey more fun. Homeschooling should be easy!

Going back to school (or just starting school) is an exciting time of year for children and this collection of educational worksheets is perfect for getting kids back into the swing of things. We cover a variety of skills with these back to school worksheets including matching, counting, spelling, pattern recognition and more.

Overthelastdecades, energyminimizationmethods havebecomeanestablished paradigm to resolve a variety of challenges in the ?elds of computer vision and pattern recognition. While traditional approaches to computer vision were often based on a heuristic sequence of processing steps and merely allowed very l- ited theoretical understanding of the respective methods, most state-of-the-art methods are nowadays based on the concept of computing solutions to a given problem by minimizing respective energies. This volume contains the papers presented at the 7th International Conf- ence on Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Rec- nition (EMMCVPR 2009), held at the University of Bonn, Germany, August 24-28, 2009. These papers demonstrate that energy minimization methods have become a mature ?eld of research spanning a broad range of areas from discrete graph theoretic approaches and Markov random ?elds to variational methods and partial di?erential equations. Application areas include image segmentation and tracking, shape optimization and registration, inpainting and image deno- ing, color and texture modeling, statistics and learning. Overall, we received 75 high-quality double-blind submissions. Based on the reviewer recommendations, 36paperswereselectedforpublication,18asoraland18asposterpresentations. Both oral and poster papers were attributed the same number of pages in the conference proceedings. Furthermore, we were delighted that three leading experts from the ?elds of computer vision and energy minimization, namely, Richard Hartley (C- berra, Australia), Joachim Weickert (Saarbruc ] ken, Germany) and Guillermo Sapiro(Minneapolis, USA)agreedtofurtherenrichtheconferencewithinspiring keynote lectures. • ISBN:9783642036408 • Format:Paperback • Publication Date:2009-08-11
Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Pattern Recognition: Applications and Methods: 4th International Conference, Icpram 2015, Lisbon, Portugal, January 10-12, 2015, Revised Selected Papers #9493 (Paperback)

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPRAM 2015, held in Lisbon, Portugal, in January 2015. The 20 revised full papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 145 submissions and describe up-to-date applications of pattern recognition techniques to real-world problems, interdisciplinary research, experimental and/or theoretical studies yielding new insights that advance pattern recognition methods. • ISBN:9783319276762 • Format:Paperback • Publication Dat
Intelligent Systems Reference Library: Data Analysis and Pattern Recognition in Multiple Databases (Series #61) (Hardcover)

This book presents an influence analysis between items in time-stamped databases. It covers developments in data analysis and pattern recognition in multiple databases and details the application of intelligent systems modeling to multiple database analysis. Introduction.- Synthesizing Different Extreme Association Rules in Multiple Data Sources.- Clustering items in time-stamped databases induced by stability.- Mining global patterns in multiple large databases.- Clustering Local Frequency Items in Multiple Data Sources.- Mining Patterns of Select Items in Different Data Sources.- Synthesizing Global Exceptional Patterns in Different Data Sources.- Mining Icebergs in Different Time-Stamped Data Sources.- Mining Calendar-Based Periodic Patterns in Time-Stamped Data.- Measuring Influence of an Item in Time-Stamped Databases.- Summary and Conclusions. • Author: Animesh Adhikari,Jhimli Adhikari,Witold Pedrycz • ISBN:9783319034096 • Format:Hardcover • Publication Date:2013-12-18
Machine Perception and Artificial Intelligence: Handwritten Historical Document Analysis, Recognition, and Retrieval – State of the Art and Future Trends (Hardcover)

In recent years, libraries and archives all around the world have increased their efforts to digitize historical manuscripts. To integrate the manuscripts into digital libraries, pattern recognition and machine learning methods are needed to extract and index the contents of the scanned images.The unique compendium describes the outcome of the HisDoc research project, a pioneering attempt to study the whole processing chain of layout analysis, handwriting recognition, and retrieval of historical manuscripts. This description is complemented with an overview of other related research projects, in order to convey the current state of the art in the field and outline future trends.This must-have volume is a relevant reference work for librarians, archivists and computer scientists. • ISBN:9789811203237 • Format:Hardcover • Publication Date:2020-10-29
Cambridge Mathematical Library: Integral Geometry and Geometric Probability (Edition 2) (Paperback)

Classic text on integral geometry now available in paperback in the Cambridge Mathematical Library. Integral geometry originated with problems on geometrical probability and convex bodies. Its later developments have proved to be useful in several fields ranging from pure mathematics (measure theory, continuous groups) to technical and applied disciplines (pattern recognition, stereology). The book is a systematic exposition of the theory and a compilation of the main results in the field. The volume can be used to complement courses on differential geometry, Lie groups, or probability or differential geometry. It is ideal both as a reference and for those wishing to enter the field. Cambridge Mathematical Library: Integral Geometry and Geometric Probability (Paperback)