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Understanding Biochemical Pathways
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Pattern Recognition
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Markov Models for Pattern Recognition: From Theory to Applications (Advances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition)
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Pattern Recognition with Neural Networks in C++
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Contactless 3D Fingerprint Identification (Advances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition)
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Feature Selection for Data and Pattern Recognition (Studies in Computational Intelligence Book 584)
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Pattern Recognition: 5th Asian Conference, ACPR 2019, Auckland, New Zealand, November 26–29, 2019, Revised Selected Paper…
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Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies: 6th International Joint Conference, BIOSTEC 2013, Barcelona, Spain, Febru…
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Understanding Biochemical Pathways: A Pattern-Recognition Approach
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Advanced Methods and Deep Learning in Computer Vision (Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition)
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Fuzzy Models and Algorithms for Pattern Recognition and Image Processing (The Handbooks of Fuzzy Sets, 4)
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Pattern Recognition
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Many companies are adopting Natural Language Processing (NLP) because of the great business and growth opportunities it brings.
Machine Learning (ML)

Premier Reference Source: Pattern Recognition Technologies and Applications : Recent Advances (Hardcover)

The nature of handwriting in our society has significantly altered over the ages due to the introduction of new technologies such as computers and the World Wide Web. With increases in the amount of signature verification needs, state of the art internet and paper-based automated recognition methods are necessary. The nature of handwriting in our society has significantly altered over the ages due to the introduction of new technologies such as computers and the World Wide Web. With increases in the amount of signature verification needs, state of the art internet and paper-based automated recognition methods are necessary. Pattern Recognition Technologies and Applications: Recent Advances provides cutting-edge pattern recognition techniques and applications. Written by world-renowned experts in their field, this easy to understand book is a must have for those seeking explanation in topics such as on- and offline handwriting and speech recognition, signature verification, and gender classification. Premier Reference Source: Pattern Recognition Technologies and Applications: Recent Advances (Hardcover)
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing: Computational Intelligence in Pattern Recognition : Proceedings of Cipr 2019 (Series #999) (Paperback)

This book presents practical development experiences in different areas of data analysis and pattern recognition, focusing on soft computing technologies, clustering and classification algorithms, rough set and fuzzy set theory, evolutionary computations, neural science and neural network systems, image processing, combinatorial pattern matching, social network analysis, audio and video data analysis, data mining in dynamic environments, bioinformatics, hybrid computing, big data analytics and deep learning. It also provides innovative solutions to the challenges in these areas and discusses recent developments. • ISBN:9789811390418 • Format:Paperback • Publication Date:2019-08-18
Pattern Recognition: Techniques, Technology and Applications (Hardcover)

A wealth of advanced pattern recognition algorithms are emerging from the interdiscipline between technologies of effective visual features and the human-brain cognition process. Effective visual features are made possible through the rapid developments in appropriate sensor equipments, novel filter designs, and viable information processing architectures. While the understanding of human-brain cognition process broadens the way in which the computer can perform pattern recognition tasks. The present book is intended to collect representative researches around the globe focusing on low-level vision, filter design, features and image descriptors, data mining and analysis, and biologically inspired algorithms
. The 27 chapters coved in this book disclose recent advances and new ideas in promoting the techniques, technology and applications of pattern recognition. Pattern Recognition: Techniques, Technology and Applications (Hardcover)
Automatic Fingerprint Recognition Systems (Hardcover)

An authoritative survey of intelligent fingerprint-recognition concepts, technology, and systems is given. Editors and contributors are the leading researchers and applied R\u0026D developers of this personal identification (biometric security) topic and technology. Biometrics and pattern recognition researchers and professionals will find the book an indispensable resource for current knowledge and technology in the field. Automatic Fingerprint Recognition Systems (Hardcover)
Thought process

The Diversity in Faces (DiF) dataset provides annotations of 1 million human facial images to advance the study of fairness n facial recognition technology.