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Five States for Goldwater: Continuity and change in Southern presidential voting patterns
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Resilient America: Electing Nixon in 1968, Channeling Dissent, and Dividing Government (American Presidential Elections)
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Changing Patterns of Voting in the Northern United States: Electoral Realignment, 1952–1996
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Electoral Patterns in Alabama: Local Change and Continuity Amid National Trends (Palgrave Studies in US Elections)
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Models of Voting in Presidential Elections: The 2000 U.S. Election
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Telestrations After Dark Adult Party Game | Adult Board Game | An Adult Twist on The #1 Party Game Telestrations | The Tel…
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Before the Convention: Strategies and Choices in Presidential Nomination Campaigns
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Convention decisions and voting records (Studies in presidential selection)
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The Voting Game – After Dark Edition
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5 Pcs Pattern Tracing Stylus, Ball Embossing Stylus for Transfer Paper, Tracing Tools for Drawing, Embossing Tools for Pap…
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Presidential IQ Trivia Card Game
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LOVESTOWN 230 Pcs Wooden Pattern Blocks, Geometric Shapes Blocks Pattern Blocks with Cards Tangram Puzzles for Kids Educat…
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Teaching Tools

With this map of U.S. presidential voting history by state, discover patterns that have emerged over the last twelve elections.
Artistic inspirations

With this map of U.S. presidential voting history by state, discover patterns that have emerged over the last twelve elections.
Personal Vote 2020 Presidential Election Campaign Classic Round…

Shape: Classic Round Sticker Make your unique style stick by creating custom stickers for every occasion! From special mailings and scrapbooking to kids’ activities and DIY projects, you’ll find these stickers are great for so many uses. Add your own designs, patterns, text, and pictures! Dimensions: Available in 2 sizes: Large: 3\
VOTE 2020 – Election day 2020 – Presidential Election Comforter

With this big, bold blanket, making your bed will be your favorite part of the day Vivid full-color front printed for you when you order; back is white 100% polyester with 0.75\
Personal Vote 2020 Presidential Election Campaign Button, Adult Unisex, Size: ‘ ‘, 2¼ Inch, Pale Blue / Orange Red / Navy

Shape: Round Button With Zazzle custom buttons you can do more than just express a political opinion. Since you can add your own designs, pictures, and text you can express just about anything you can think of. Start creating amazing flair today! Available in 5 sizes from 1.25\
Changing Patterns of Voting in the Northern United States : Electoral Realignment, 1952-1996 (Paperback)

Using a number of states as case studies, especially in New England, Changing Patterns of Voting in the Northern United States explains why large shifts in voter partisan preferences have occurred since the 1950s in that section of the country. In these Northern states, citizens of New England Yankee or Norwegian ancestry and voters with higher educational levels have abandoned historical preferences for the national Republican party to vote in increasing percentages for Democratic presidential candidates in almost every election since 1952. Many of these areas in the past preferred the moderate or liberal wing of the Republican party but have found their traditional party focusing on conservative appeals to a Southern electorate in recent years. In 1980, 1992, and 1996, many of these Northern areas demonstrated significant support for the independent presidential candidacies of John Anderson and Ross Perot, who represented a more moderate brand of Republicanism than the party’s official candidates in those years. Changing Patterns of Voting in the Northern United States relies on actual voti
ng data rather than public opinion surveys to study trends among the electorate. This focus on voting statistics allows an in-depth analysis of the many types of voting patterns found in individual states that would not be apparent in national survey data. It allows an alternative explanation for the growth of split-ticket voting. While many attribute that growth to a decline in party identification, this study suggests that voters may simply identify with one party at the national level and another party in state elections, because the national and state parties are able to present different images to local voters in the federal system we have in this country. • Author: Robert W Speel • ISBN:9780271026701 • Format:Paperback • Publication Date:1998-09-15
Every Vote Counts Classic Round Sticker – Custom Stickers – Make Your Own Personalized Decorative Decals

Shape: Classic Round Sticker Make your unique style stick by creating custom stickers for every occasion! From special mailings and scrapbooking to kids’ activities and DIY projects, you’ll find these stickers are great for so many uses. Add your own designs, patterns, text, and pictures! Dimensions: Available in 2 sizes: Large: 3\