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Thumb Impression Recognition Using Wavelets Based Pattern Recognition: A wavelet approach
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Wavelet Theory Approach to Pattern Recognition (Machine Perception and Artificial Intelligence)
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Wavelet Theory and Its Application to Pattern Recognition (Machine Perception and Artificial Intelligence)
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Document Analysis and Recognition with Wavelet and Fractal Theories (Machine Perception and Artificial Intelligence)
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Matrix Methods in Data Mining and Pattern Recognition, Second Edition
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Pattern Recognition and Signal Analysis in Medical Imaging
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Pattern Recognition and Image Preprocessing (Signal Processing and Communications Book 14)
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Developments and Applications for ECG Signal Processing: Modeling, Segmentation, and Pattern Recognition
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Quaternion and Clifford Fourier Transforms and Wavelets (Trends in Mathematics)
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Pattern recognition analysis of differential mobility spectra with classification by chemical family [An article from: Ana…
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Astronomical Image and Data Analysis (Astronomy and Astrophysics Library)
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Geometric Algebra Computing: in Engineering and Computer Science
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Wavelet Theory Approach To Pattern Recognition (2nd Edition) / Edition 2 – Hardcover

The 2nd edition is an update of the book Wavelet Theory and its Application to Pattern Recognition published in 2000. Three new chapters, which are research results conducted during 2001-2008, are added. The book consists of three parts — the first presents a brief survey of the status of pattern recognition with wavelet theory; the second contains the basic theory of wavelet analysis; the third includes applications of wavelet theory to pattern recognition. The new book provides a bibliography of 170 references including the current state-of-the-art theory and applications of wavelet analysis to pattern recognition.Product DetailsISBN-13: 9789814273954 Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Company Incorporated Publication Date: 07-13-2009 Pages: 484 Product Dimensions: 6.20(w) x 9.10(h) x 1.20(d) Series: Series In Machine Perception And Artificial Intelligence #74
Convex Weighted Multi Approximation (Paperback)

Dwt, Complex Wavelet Transform and Thfb for Iris Recognition (Paperback)

Iris Recognition System is a process of recognizing an individual by analyzing the random pattern of iris and comparing with database. A comparative analysis is performed with wavelet transform such as Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT), Rotated Complex Wavelet Filter (RCWF) and Triplet Half-Band Filter Bank (THFB) for iris recognition. These approaches are tested on various databases. The process starts from pre-processing. In pre-processing stage the image is enhanced, segmented and normalized. Now smoothed image is taken into consideration for feature extraction using above mentioned wavelet transforms. Finally a post-classifier is applied to resultant image for reducing false rejection rate. • Author: Santosh Randive,Rahul Parbat,Kiran Napte • ISBN:9786202531467 • Format:Paperback • Publication Date:2020-04-29
Springerbriefs in Earth Sciences: Earth’s Early Atmosphere and Oceans, and the Origin of Life (Paperback)

Introduction.- Why this book? /What I am trying to do.- Four previous treatments – Oparin, Rubey, Walker, and Holland.- Outstanding problems.- Accretional history of Earth.- Accreting materials.- Volatile components and total volatiles available.- Sequence and rates of events – accretion time.- State of surface near end of accretion.- Nature of final accretional phase.- Processes of degassing.- Impact degassing.- Small impactors.- Large impactors.- Intermediate impactors.- High temperature degassing of accreted solids.- Low temperature degassing of accreted solids – importance of water produced during initial phase of late accretion.- Evidence from field and laboratory studies.- Atmospheric processing of degassed volatiles.- Photochemistry in brief.- Recycling of C and N compounds in the surface and near-surface environment.- The nature of the early ocean.- Early Archean \
Convex Weighted Multi Approximation (Paperback)

The approximation theory is a scope of mathematical analysis, which at its essence, is interested with the approximation of functions by simpler and more easily calculated functions. This theory has widely influenced such other areas of mathematics as orthogonal polynomials, partial differential equations, harmonic analysis, and wavelet analysis. Some modern applications include computer graphics, signal processing, economic forecasting, and pattern recognition. Convex Weighted Multi Approximation (Paperback)
Emd-chaos Based Analysis of Eeg Signals for Early Seizure Detection (Paperback)

In this thesis, a method has been developed to analyze EEG signals for early detection of seizure using empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and chaos. Chaos in EEG is de ned by the tendency to gravitate towards speci c regions in phase space. Lyapunov exponent and Kol-mogorov complexity are the important factors regarding chaotic behavior of any dynamical system. In this thesis, the Largest Lyapunov Exponent (LLE) of the EEG signal over time is observed and decision about Epileptic Seizure is taken. It is seen that from normal to seizure state transition, the amount of chaos in EEG is drastically reduced. Thus, the behavior of chaos in EEG signal described above can be used for seizure detection. Emd-Chaos Based Analysis of Eeg Signals for Early Seizure Detection (Paperback)